Good quality, worth the price paid. So convenient to use
I 've been using this product for a while and I can already make a fair review. The seller sent it right away and arrived super fast, besides that it's just what he announced, that's why I put him full rating but the product itself has some faults. The lid that opens the compartment to put the bags is very hard and difficult to open, so be careful if you have acrylic or long nail. If you have only 1 cat the product may be useful to you but in my case I have 3 cats, and it's not very functional to me since the receptacle has a small space and I can't pick up all the dirty sand, I have to remove the bag and finish cleaning with another shovel. Besides, if you're not careful, the shovel pulls a lot of clean sand and I feel like it's wasted a lot. It is more suitable for open sandstone, as if closed it is very difficult to maneuver with the product as it is large.